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上海卢湾区淮海中路商务中心大上海时代广场(上海卢湾区淮海中路服务式办公室) 楼盘类型 上海商务中心 
所在区域 上海商务中心 
楼盘价格 4000元/月/人 
物 业 费 0 元/月/㎡ 
开 发 商 上海龙兴房地产有限公 
物业公司 大上海时代广场物业 
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 1700 
楼盘总高 33 
周边交通 地铁一号线黄陂南路站 
楼盘地址 上海市卢湾区淮海中路99号 

上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心位于上海最繁华的商业街—淮海中路。该写字楼毗邻地铁站,新天地和人民广场。上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心办公楼总高30层,拥有先进的管理体系,完整的网络系统和光纤网络设备。对于境外来访者,移动办公者或者那些正在寻找新商机的投资者来说,上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心全装修的办公室将是您迅速开展商务活动的最有效的支持。服务内容:精装修独立可注册办公室,提供网络和电话,并配备会议室,洽谈室,休息怄和茶水间,提供一周 7 天, 24 小时安全出入系统,以您的公司名义接听电话,语音信箱功能,代接发传真,宽带服务,日常信件收发,派送,办公室日常保洁,快递服务,免费供应咖啡﹑茶水﹑可乐。上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心将以一流的品质服务打造成上海商务中心的优秀作品。上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心位于上海卢湾区淮海中路93号,紧邻淮海公园,是一间综合性商业物业,由香港九龙仓集团投资兴建。为商住两用楼,总建筑面积10.9万平方米,楼高30层,3层地库。上海卢湾淮海中路商务中心上海服务式办公室大上海时代广场商务中心设有连卡佛百货公司、古驰(Gucci)及Esprit等店铺。正门外的露天广场占地1600平方米,设有钟楼及巨型电子广告屏,每年1231日仿效美国纽约时代广场及香港时代广场,在广场上举行“苹果倒计时”新年庆祝活动。

更多上海商务中心上海服务式办公室上海浦东写字楼上海浦东陆家嘴写字楼上海浦东八佰伴写字楼上海浦东张江写字楼、上海浦东金桥写字楼上海商务中心代理商 13817570595 徐先生 更多房源请您参阅上海浦东写字楼网,www.pudongoffice.com

Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square business center is located in Shanghai 's most bustling commercial street, Huaihai Zhong road. The office buildings adjacent to the subway station, new world and people's square. Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square Business Center office building overall height 30, has advanced management system, a complete network system and optical network equipment. For foreign visitors, mobile office or those who are looking for new business opportunities for investors, Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square business center renovation of the entire office is you quickly to carry out business activities of the most effective support. Service content: refined decoration independent registered office, provides Internet and telephone, and equipped with meeting rooms, conference rooms, rest to annoy and tea room, to provide7 days a week,24 hours of security access system, with your company name telephone answering, voice mail function, generation of sending and receiving fax, broadband services, daily mail service, delivery, office daily cleaning, courier services, free supply of coffee, tea, cola. Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square business center will be first-class quality services to create outstanding works of the Shanghai business center. Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square business center is located in Shanghai Luwan District Huaihai Road No. 93, near Huaihai Park, is a comprehensive commercial property, by the Hongkong Wharf Group invest in the construction of. For residential and commercial buildings, a total construction area of 109000 square meters,30 floors,3 floor library. Shanghai Luwan Huaihai Road Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Times Square business center with Lane Crawford department stores, gucci ( Gucci ) and Esprit shop. Just outside the open square covers an area of 1600 square meters, with a bell tower and the giant electronic advertising screen, every year in December 31st to follow the United States of New York Times Square and Hongkong Times Square, the square held a " Apple countdown" new year celebration.

Shanghai Business Center ( Shanghai serviced office ) Shanghai Pudong office, Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui office, the Shanghai Yaohan Pudong office, Shanghai office, Pudong Zhangjiang Shanghai Pudong Jinqiao office, Shanghai business center agents 13817570595Mr. Xu more information please refer to the Shanghai Pudong office network, www.pudongoffice.com

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