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华宜大厦上海宜山路商务中心(上海徐汇服务式办公室)_上海联合办公 所在区域 徐汇区 
所属商圈 徐家汇  
租金范围 2000-2500元/月 起 
建筑层数 22 
开 发 商 大华集团上海华宜置业有限公司
物业公司 第一太平戴维斯 
物业性质 商务中心 
楼盘总高 22 
电梯情况 6
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 1200 
楼盘地址 上海市徐汇区中山西路2020号
周边交通 地铁3,4,9号线宜山路地铁站

多款办公室可容纳 1 - 6人;

The Hua Yi building is located in the city of Shanghai inner ring viaduct in Zhongshan Xuhui District 2020 of the road, walk to the rail transportation 3, 4, 9 numbers lines Yishan Road station just a few minutes, commercial and transportation is very convenient, is a collection of commercial and office as one of the international grade A office building of 5A. It consists of the commercial podiums, AB twin towers, is 22 stories, on the ground floor to the three floor of high-grade commercial, the five layer to the twenty-two layer is a grade A office building. < / P > < P > Hua Yi building business center, corporation was founded in 1995 in Hongkong, now in China and Hongkong a total of 18 offices, office gross area exceeds 150000 square feet, all located in the prosperous commercial center, professional staff of more than 400 people. Experienced, sincere service, won the domestic and foreign businessmen in Hongkong and the trust and praise. < / P > < P > do not need expensive opening costs, it opened a cumbersome procedure; < BR > hire namely use namely, flexible lease, and more convenient; < BR > fixed monthly rent, charge is wrapped completely, spending more budget; < BR > number of office can accommodate 1 - 6 people; < BR > free telephone and broadband network systems goods are available in all varieties., can handle official bussiness; < BR > gorgeous decoration, fully equipped conference rooms for 12 people use; < BR > Professional Secretary generation phone.

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Email:hqsc888@hotmail.com copyright 2010 http://www.pudongoffice.com all rights reserved
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