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圣爱广场上海商务中心(上海徐家汇服务式办公室)_上海联合办公 所在区域 徐汇区 
所属商圈 徐家汇  
租金范围 2000-3000元/月 起 
建筑层数 27 
开 发 商 中房集团华东置业股份有限公司
物业公司 中房物业 
物业性质 上海浦西商务中心 
楼盘总高 27 
电梯情况 8
空调情况 中央空调 
车位情况 1500 
楼盘地址 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路88号
周边交通 地铁1、9号线徐家汇站
Love square business center is located in Xujiahui - Shanghai has long history and culture atmosphere most regional center, close to the Southeast Asia's largest Catholic Church and has a long history of institutions of Higher Learning - traffic university. Xujiahui subway station and the viaduct be close by., overall construction derive the Gothic style essence.Rental package of property management fees and central air-conditioning electricity rental. Take office decoration, office furniture, telephone and Internet, central air conditioning system, each floor with a public restroom, and are equipped with meeting rooms, conference rooms, tea room, rest area, functional area, can be foreign registration, suitable for a small number of elite companies and foreign-funded enterprises in Shanghai representative office. Other small area office can be registered independent full repair rental, welcome customer inquiries, avoid collect intermediary fee.
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版权所有:浦东写字楼网-浦东办公楼网 联系电话:021-58561198 传真号码:021-58561198
Email:hqsc888@hotmail.com copyright 2010 http://www.pudongoffice.com all rights reserved
上海浦东写字楼/浦东办公楼出租/张江写字楼/张江办公楼/陆家嘴写字楼/陆家嘴办公楼 沪ICP备09072254号 上海网站建设